Odyssea Publishing


Who we are


While looking for a publisher for our first book, we were underwhelmed with the level of support publishers offered in relation to the high percentage of revenues they received compared to authors.

We decided we could do better, so we started our own publishing house.

More than a decade later, we have published several best-selling books, some of which have been translated into multiple languages.  

Odyssea Publishing is a boutique publishing house by authors, for authors.

We specialize in non-fiction, particularly finance, business, and history, but we are also looking for self-help and personal development books.

More Support

We help authors we take on not just with the publishing process but also with shaping and perfecting their content.

More Royalties

We also pay a higher royalty percentage than the industry standard. Because we believe authors are the most important part of publishing.

More Expertise

We want to empower authors and help them create high quality content that has the potential to reach and impact a wide audience. That is our passion.